Harries, Jim, 2000, ‘The Magical Worldview in the African Church: What Is Going On?’ 487-502 In: Missiology: An International Review, XXIV/4, October 2000.
Harries, Jim, 2006, ‘Good-by-Default and Evil in Africa.’ 151-164 In: Missiology: an international Review, Vol. XXXIV/2, April 2006.
Harries, Jim, 2007. ‘Mission to the South, Words to the North: reflections on communication in the church by a Northerner in the South.’ Exchange, Journal of Missiological and Ecumenical Research, Brill. 36/3, 2007, 281-298.
Harries, Jim. 2008. ‘Intercultural Dialogue – an overrated means of acquiring understanding examined in the context of Christian Mission to Africa.’ Exchange: Journal of Missiological and Ecumenical Research. 37 (2008) 174-189.
Harries, Jim. 2008. ‘A Linguistic Case for the necessity of Enculturation in Theological and Economic Teaching based on the ‘Shape of Words’: including a case study comparing Sub-Saharan Africa with the West.’ Journal of Intercultural Communication. 18. 2008.
Harries, Jim, 2009. ‘‘The Name of God in Africa’ and related contemporary theological, development and linguistic concerns.’ Exchange, Journal of Missiological and Ecumenical Research. 38 (2009) 271-291.
Harries, Jim, 2010. The Perceived Nature of God in Europe and in Africa: Dealing with “Difference” in Theology, Focusing on “Altered States of Consciousness.” 395-409 In: Missiology: an international review. Vol. 38/4 October 2010.
Harries, Jim, 2010. ‘Mission in a Post Modern World: issues of language and dependency in post-colonial Africa.’ In: Exchange, Journal of Missiological and Ecumenical Research, 39/4, Brill.
Harries, Jim. 2012, ‘The Great Delusion: post-colonial language policy for mission and development in Africa reviewed.’ Transformation, an international journal of holistic mission studies 29/1, January 2012, 44-61.
Harries, Jim. 2012. ‘The Contribution of the Use of English in Africa to Dependency in Mission and Development.’ In: Exchange, Journal of Missiological and Ecumenical Research, 41/3, 279-294.
Harries, Jim. 2012. “Witchcraft, Envy, Development, and Christian Mission in Africa.” Missiology: An International Review 40(2): 129–139.
Harries, Jim. 2013. ‘The Need for Indigenous Languages and Resources in Mission to Africa in Light of the Presence of Monism/Witchcraft.’ Missio Dei: A Journal of Missional Theology and Praxis 4, vol. 1 (February 2013)
Harries, Jim, 2013, ‘The Glaring Gap: Linguistics, Anthropology, Religion, and Christianity in African Development.’ In: Exchange, Journal of Missiological and Ecumenical Research, 42(3), 232-251.
Harries, Jim, 2015, ‘Self-imposed Strictures and the role of Western Missionaries in Cross-cultural Mission to Africa.’ Missio Dei: A Journal of Missional Theology and Praxis 6, no. 2 (August 2015) http://missiodeijournal.com/article.php?issue=md-6-2&author=md-6-2-harries (accessed September 1, 2015)
Harries, Jim, 2015, ‘Intercultural Generosity in Christian Perspective: The ‘West’ and Africa.’ Transformation 2015, Vol. 32(4) 269–280.
Harries, Jim, 2017, ‘Anthropology’s Origins, Christianity, and a Perspective from Africa’, On Knowing Humanity Journal 1(1), July 2017, 32-40.
Harries, Jim, 2017, ‘Western Theology in Africa: Christian mission in the light of the undermining of scientific hegemony’, International Review of Mission, 106(2), December 2017, 241-260.
Harries, Jim, 2018, ‘Theology that Emerges from Cognitive Science: applied to African Development’. Open Theology 2018; 4: 15–28. https://www.degruyter.com/downloadpdf/j/opth.2018.4.issue-1/opth-2018-0002/opth-2018-0002.pdf
Harries, Jim, 2018, ‘How to Avoid Negative Donor-Impact in Development and Mission to Africa,’ Journal of Transformative Innovation, Vol. 3 Iss. 1, Spring 2018, pp. 33 – 39. https://www.regent.edu/acad/global/publications/jti/vol3iss1/Harries_JTISP18F.pdf
Harries, Jim, 2018, ‘Resource use as hindrance to sustainable overseas development intervention: A view focused on Pentecostal Christianity.’ Missiology: An International Review 2018, Vol. 46(3) 251–267.
Harries, Jim, 2019, ‘Essential Alternatives to Contemporary Missionary Training: for the sake of vulnerability to the majority world (Africa).’ Transformation, 2019, 36(4), 266-279.
Harries, Jim, 2019, ‘Magic, divine revelation and translation in theological education in the majority world today (with a focus on Africa),’ Missionalia, 47(2), 165-176. https://missionalia.journals.ac.za/pub/article/view/265 DOI: https://doi.org/10.7832/47-2-265
Harries, Jim, 2020, ‘Is English salvific? Myth-busting “God’s language”, 1-16 in: English as an International Language Journal, 15(1), 2020.
Harries, Jim, 2021, ‘Re-strategizing Mission (and Development) Intervention into Africa to Avoid Corruption, the Prosperity Gospel, and Missionary Ignorance,’ Transformation, 38(4), 359-372, 2021.
Harries, Jim, 2022, ‘Biomedical services’ fit amongst people with relational worldviews, and a “middle road”’ Short Communication / Field Report, Christian Journal for Global Health 9(2), Dec. 2022. 28-31, https://doi.org/10.15566/cjgh.v9i2.671
Harries, Jim, 2023, ‘Envy: Differences Between the West and Africa,’ Missiology: an international review. 023, Vol. 51(4) 321–334, ps://doi.org/10.1177/00918296231189123