End-month news October 2024
from Jim Harries jimoharries@gmail.com
Dear Friends,
I am sending this news out a little early, so as to invite you to join this webinar, to take place on 24th October! Please sign up asap and then join us.

Go here AVM Webinar with Craig McCorkindale Tickets, Thu 24 Oct 2024 at 12:30 | Eventbrite for details of, and registration for, this webinar of 24th October. Welcome to join us!
Registration of the AVM (Alliance for Vulnerable Mission)
Pray for the registration of the AVM as a charity, currently in process in Germany. It is wonderful to be taking this important ‘next-step’ in getting the word out. (Once registered, the AVM will officially be able to receive charitable funds. Please consider donating! (Ask me for details.) Please also consider supporting the new Director, Dr. Marcus Grohmann.)
Rabbit Hutch

Give thanks, that one of my lads at home is very keen, so I am helping him to build a rabbit hutch, so we can keep some pets …
Poor Man’s Theology
I recently published this article: Harries, Jim, 2024, ‘The Theological Voice of a Poor Man in a Desert: Right for Africa?’ globalmissiology.org Vol. 21 No. 4 (2024): October. Free download: http://ojs.globalmissiology.org/index.php/english/article/view/2902/7296
One of the monks at the monastery responded as follows: “Thank you for your article about Father Matthew the Poor. I loved it! Your insights truly captured his essence, the impact of his writings, and it turned on the light on another side of his writings that I do not think that anyone ever thought about before.”
Visit from Beachy Mennonite folks.
I have had a close relationship with American (Beachy Mennonite) missionaries working in Kisumu, for many years. Six of them made a double-visit to me on Thursday, to explore the Coptic Orthodox Church and mission, and to visit our local waterfalls.

Church Visit on 20th October

I cycled 22 km to visit this ’very indigenous’ church on 20th October. It was a great service. I was given ample opportunity to share the Gospel. (Injil, as we say here.) I then cycled the last 15 km home soaking wet due to rain.
Transforming Education
I have mentioned before – that Kenya is transforming much of its educational system. In the future, very few will get a scholarly academic education, and many more students will be learning very practical subjects, how to build things, do things, operate machines and so on. My kids (grandkids) who are staying with me are starting to benefit from this, including the one building the rabbit hutch pictured above!
Teaching in Tanzania, 26th November to 7th December
Please pray as I prepare to teach new students in Tanzania, at the Mennonite Theological college there, starting the end of November. This is to be in Swahili, and to young people who are just beginning to go into church leadership. I am to teach the Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke), and how to interpret the Bible.